The Hidden Dangers of Running an Air Conditioner Without Air Filters

As an HVAC expert, I have witnessed the consequences of neglecting to use an air filter in an air conditioning system. While it may seem like a small detail, it can actually lead to permanent damage and costly repairs. The purpose of an air filter is to trap dirt and dust that would otherwise enter the system and cause harm to its mechanical components. When unfiltered air passes through the system, dirt adheres to the condensation and covers the blades, resulting in damage and reduced efficiency.

One of the biggest concerns with running an air conditioner without a filter is the potential for health problems. The coronavirus responsible for the COVID-19 pandemic contains particles that measure between 9 and 12 nanometers, which means that an air conditioning system or an air purifier equipped with a HEPA filter can effectively reduce its presence in the air. Without a filter, the system will suck up air laden with waste and return the same dirty air to the indoor environment, contributing to indoor air pollution and potentially causing health issues. Some air conditioning systems are large and complex, making it challenging to locate and replace the filter.

This can lead to reduced comfort and even permanent damage to the system, resulting in costly repair bills. An air conditioner works by drawing air out of the room and blowing it through copper tubes that are filled with freon. Even if the air conditioner continues to run with frozen evaporator coils, you'll end up paying more for energy without the benefit of clean and healthy air. If you want to ensure your system is running efficiently and providing clean air, it's crucial to have regular maintenance performed by a professional.

At Barstow and Sons, we highly recommend an annual tune-up before the summer season begins. Research has shown that many homes and commercial spaces have air that is more polluted than outdoor air. Without a filter, your system will constantly need repairs or, eventually, replacements. All residential and commercial HVAC systems use a filter to remove impurities from the air before returning it to indoor spaces.

The primary purpose of the air conditioning filter is to clean the air that circulates through the system. We can check the filter, ducts, and all internal parts before you turn on the air conditioner for the summer. Both commercial and residential cooling and heating systems require a filter to remove impurities before absorbing indoor air and returning it to the designated areas. The filter is typically located in the return air duct, but it could also be in front of the boiler or near the bottom of two systems that share the same ducts.

It's essential to know where your filter is located and how to properly replace it to ensure your system is running efficiently and providing clean air.

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